[Discontinued] Polis [v2.7.0]

s h h hh . Resuming, @HassanS6000 , it boils down to the sponge version mostly.

You both are obnoxious.

sets fuel to the flame


Question, has this been tested with pixelmon NPCs? ./entityinfo gives me shopkeeper, which I assume is pixelmon:shopkeeper. I have tried adding usables with caps or without (shopkeeper, Shopkeeper, ShopKeeper), but it has not worked.
Did you encounter this issue @Ren ?

The newest essentials gives you the correct IDā€™s now.

Should simply be;

However, I honestly canā€™t say for I no longer use Polis. :confounded:

Using RedProtect then?
I did try pixelmon:shopkeeper, so it isnā€™t thatā€¦ hmmm.

Try pixelmon.Shopkeeper.
There should be an entity list on the pixelmon website

I would honestly hate to say much else about what I am using, for Polis is still an amazing plugin.
I just happened to find something else that suited my needs better.

If that works, then thank you Vince for the feedback :slight_smile:

There is a item id list, but clumsily enough, not a entity list - which is why the previous problem of pixelmon not being usable was happening.
-> pixelmon.Shopkeeper did not work also, it is giving me a ā€œ[Polis]: Error! This land is claimed.ā€ message.

It is, which is why I am trying to make it work :ā€™)

Do you have a feature to restrict access in certain claims. Like WarZone or SafeZone? Like say Only rank (x) can go in said region?

Inside of the zone ā€œsafezone - warzoneā€ you would add usables.

/polis addusable {id}

This will allow them to interact with whatever you add to that list.

If you set the usables in a safezone, they will be able to interact with the items in every safezone.

I am unsure if it has changed, but as far as I remember you can only make Safe and War Zones. So there is no way right now to make different regions with different ā€œflagsā€.

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Armor Stands can be broken by players that are not added to the persons town.

Also, is it possible that the item frames cannot be broken by ANYTHING? Example being water.
The reason being is that players are riding their Pixelmon and going up against the item frames until it breaks and drops the item with it.

Those are ongoing issues that many plugin developers are facing right now.
Not sure if it has something to do with sponge, but none the less no one can really figure out how exactly to make them invincible to ALL forms of harm.

Iā€™m absolutely positive this is something Hassan is working, for itā€™s an issue that has been reported a number of times.

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You can specify WarZone or SafeZone as the zone - we do not yet support custom zones with specific flag options.

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Thanks for the suggestion

Quick question @HassanS6000 , is it possible to have mob control with the SafeZones? Not only aggressive, but also peaceful ones (I am having a terrible sheep/squid problem). Would be quite neat to have a mob list allowed (eg pets), but exclude other mobs from the SafeZones.
I do apologize if this is something already implemented with the usables or such.

This is a great idea! Iā€™ll get to work on it soon.

Actually, would also be neat to have different setups - you can disallow mobs, but you can spawn them via eggs or spawners (this would be useful for SafeZones in a minigame environment).

Anyways, thank you Hassan for the work :laughing:

I apologize if this has been fixed already, or we just have the config set up incorrectly, but we are using 2.1 version of polis, and we are having issues with players being able to claim an already claimed area? It overwrites the claim that is existing, and allows the new claimed polis to have access to chests, etc, and blocks the old one out. If you unclaim, the old polis is still claimed. Again, I apologize if this has already been fixed or we are just having a dickens of a time with it. Thanks!