At this point the community realizes that the memes are now at full swing on this topic
What’s the probability of spigot plugins working with pore?
My guess is that 95% of plugins built against the Spigot API will work with Pore. That being said, there are a select few methods which are only defined by Spigot, which will not work with Pore. However, switching our dependency from Bukkit to Spigot-API in the future isn’t out of the question. We’ll post an update in this thread if that happens.
Ok awesome I was wondering why you guys didn’t just go with spigot in the first place
Any idea if WG or WE would ever work with Pore? I know they have a lot of differences in coding that may not comply with Pore but.
WE is available on Forge, and WG is to be worked on next as they’ll be specifically adding in portions to the API that will be geared towards WG. I know that doesn’t answer your question, but one is already available, the other will be hopefully soon
In addition WG is being ported to Sponge, once released it shouldn’t need to use Pore to work.
Is there any new,news on the Pore?
Not currently. We’re working to update Pore for the event refactor, but development has been somewhat slow lately due to other commitments of our team members.
Hows Pore coming along? hopefully over 50% of all bukkit plugins work with it now?
can i get a percentage maybe?
Apparently not. There hasnt been a new build submitted in almost a month now.
welp ive lost all hope in sponge, pore, forge, minecraft in general
Why is that? SpongeAPI/SpongeForge are both coming along nicely
Because some don’t have months to wait for protection plugins or various other ones
It’s why it sucks that bukkit is dying out and cauldron had to be taken down.
With the implementation of Events, we now have more reach and compatibility than ever before, protection plugins built on SpongeAPI will be far more configurable than those built upon Bukkit.
Just for clarification, 50% of the Bukkit API being implemented does not imply that 50% of plugins are working. Plugins use different subsets of the API, and we’ll need to be a lot closer to 100% before half of them are fully working.
We’re not finished working on Pore, but as I’ve said, our team consists of two people, and we have other commitments which take priority for the time being. I also feel the need to remind anyone reading this thread that Pore is an open-source project, and thus is always open to third-party contributions. If we could expand the number of people working on the project, we could get a lot more done a lot more quickly.
Patience is the most important part of being in an open-source community.
As it stands with SpongeForge, the likes of Prism and WorldGuard are fully able to get up and working…but like the team members of SpongePowered, they have lives and work on this in their freetime.
I’m not sure how much more you are asking of us. I know that @blood and myself have almost made writing code for this project a second fulltime job at this point and are rapidly getting stuff up and working.
Patience is key. In the meantime I will be silently stalking this thread, as I have been doing for the past few months. In fact, I now declare this URL as my permanent place of residence, when I order packages I just tell them to deliver it to this URL rather than a normal home address… I’m sure it is a legal and sane thing to do…
Lols ^ dragon_12dk