**Discontinued** Pore - A Bukkit-Sponge Bridge

Getting touchy over something so trivial xD

If this is legal, this will probably be one of the most important plugins, if not the most. Keep the Good Work :smile:

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Why shouldn’t it be legal. The DMCA was for CraftBukkit, not Bukkit itself. It’s fine to implement the BukkitAPI as you like, as long as you don’t use any Craftbukkit code :wink:

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The real question is why should I care if it is illeagle? The FBI gunna hunt me down for using bukkit plugins on sponge? Lol.

Not one of the most important… THE most important by far.

We had a discussion as to its legality last year, when it was first getting started. Here’s the conclusion I came to. To expand a little, what if Pore were installed on a completely cleanroom setup, free of Mojang code? Then it would be fine, so I don’t see why it shouldn’t be now.


Ok thank you :slight_smile:

I just send this message to say thank you, really. Your ideas and work are a great hope for server owners who started before 1.8 and want to port their work. I know it will take very long time but thank you for giving us this future possibility :smile: I’ll continue to follow your work forward :smile:


I love this. I do have one concern. If you have a protected land using a Bukkit plugin, and then used a forge mod on that protected build, will it destroy? If Sponge offers a thing where you can have plugins using mods or plugins and mods don’t conflict and a protected land using a Sponge plugins won’t be destroyed by a modded object like TNT. I want to see you use that to allow Bukkit plugins to interact with forge just like Sponge could. Is that in any way all possible?

So its not out yet? And any bukkit plugins work?

Some simple things work in essentials, like homes, warps, and spawn. If you want something more complex you will have to wait a while until it is finished.

Conflicts like this can’t be avoided even between plugins on the same platform. Similarly, we can’t really take steps to prevent them if they do pop up.

Who knows. Probably the plugin translates Bukkit events to Sponge events and since Sponge has plans to allow its plugins to interact with modded blocks. Or it could just add Bukkit events to Sponge and runs bukkit plugins off of that, conflicts as you stated can not be prevented. I do not know the code that makes up Pore and Bukkit and what Sponge itself can allow but I do understand a few things. Thanks for the reply.

It’s been a while since the last official status update, so I thought I’d give one now while I have a few free minutes. Development has essentially halted since the summer, since (as I’ve stated before) the team basically consists of two people and we’ve both had other commitments and projects which have taken priority. In addition to this, the project, at least for me, has become fairly stressful to work on due to all the breaking API changes taking place. However, the Sponge team has stated it intends to get all breaking changes out of the way in time for 3.0, and so I imagine Pore development will pick back up in 2016 once this happens.

The main point of this update is to clarify that Pore isn’t dead. I won’t deny that it’s on a hiatus, but we’re going to finish this thing one way or another. Anyhow, merry Christmas, happy holidays, etc. :blush:


Awesome Idea!!!


Does This Work With WG(World Gaurd)

Currently no plugins are officially confirmed to be working, but WorldGuard has a native Sponge version in the works (or maybe complete at this point, I’m not entirely sure).

Thank You :smile:

Worldguard has not been ported to sponge at all at this point in time.

Feel free to check out foxguard as a replacement.


Find me a working build.

I never said the port wasn’t started.

Wizjany has been working on it for quite some time.

I just said it hasn’t been ported yet.