DW20 Server crash when attempting class load

When starting the DW20 flagship Modpack. I get this error in console =O -Log

Latest versions as of 11/28/16
DW20 Version: 1.0.0
SpongeForge Version: 2123-5.1.0-BETA-1914
Forge Version: 2124

I can only assume it is a mod trying to load before Sponge can argue with it? Any ideas or suggestions? I cant go removing mods as they are all a key part to my Bungee Network.


UPDATE - I seem to have found the issue and a fix! Its was AE2 , There’s a fork which got patched to allow AE2 to run alongside Sponge: Link <---- For those who might find this helpful.

If you searched the forums you would find that it is caused by Applied Energistics which they have made a special fork to it so you can run it with sponge


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If you read my UPDATE … lol