A plugin that will keep track of a players record, and automatically deal out a punishment based on their track record. Using a config, server owners could decide how many offences results in which action or punishment, as well as specific actions for specific arguments (say a command like /mute ) A way to control combination offences would be good too, but I recognize that there is a practically infinite number of possible offences. Which is why a fail safe for a max number of offences (configurable. For example, any 5 offences results in temp ban for [1] day, 6 for [1 week], and 7 perma ban)
-of course, any ideas or further input by more experienced individuals about this plugin is welcome!
Command examples;
/history - Gives player offence history
/language - Deals Punishment for inappropriate language
/abuse - Deals Punishment for being abusive to players/staff
/theft - Deals Punishment for theft or attempted
/advertising - Deals Punishment for advertising
/hacking - Deals Punishment for hacking
Additionally, to be able to track the UUID, possibly name changes-and who dealt the punishment would be perfect too
EDIT: Also, a message to pop up for the player involved, something along the lines of [-Staff name- has reported you for -punishment-, -action- will be taken for -amount of time-]
PS: If this already exists then holy mackerel-please point me in that direction!