[Economy] Currency☃/Snowmen

Currency☃ is a simple economy implementation. It offers one currency, the Snowball currency. However, other plugins can depend on Currency☃ and add more currencies if they would like.


  • v1.0
  • Inital release


Even though this is an economy plugin, there is a currencysnowmen command (short command cs) for testing that the plugin works. It features the following subcommands:

  • version: Prints the current version of Currency☃
  • add: Adds to the account of the Player who uses the command
  • sub: Subtracts from the account of the Player who uses the command
  • flush: Saves all accounts to disk and then wipes them from memory.
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I really wasn’t expecting this to work considering the date it was released but I tried anyway.

If you don’t plan on updating it I’d recommend at least putting the version it was made for somewhere in the post.

Considering the date it was posted, this was right around when the Currency API was released: this was a small test plugin. I could update it at some point, but to be honest I don’t remember what version it really targets since I may have developed it with a slightly modified Sponge at the time.

Yeah being a small test-like plugin is what attracted me to it. sometimes it’s good just to have something short and simple to test with.