EconomyManager ~ Easy-to-use economy integration for plugins!

EconomyManager is a simple class that allows developers to add economy support into their plugins. It currently comes in one variant, but there is one more planned.

To use EconomyManager, simple copy the file into your project, and load up a new constructor of EconomyManager in the class you wish to access economy from. There is no need to place special dependencies in your Plugin annotation, EconomyManager just works. The methods available to developers are self-explanatory.

Variant 1 (Requires economy plugins) Click here to download!
Variant 2 (Doesn’t require economy plugins) Click here to download!

Feel free to leave comments, questions, or suggestions below!

This should at one point be obsoleted by the Economy Service API


I know, I never had plans to make this a long-term project. This is just a temporary way to easily use economy until that PR gets accepted.


We need to give it a push, or it’s going to take long before it gets accepted.

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I agree, it’s been more than a month since the last activity.

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What you could do is offer this, and then when the official Economy API, change all the code (leaving method names the same) to be compatible with the official API so plugins using it as a dependency can either just update their version of this, or server owners can update the plugin version.