Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I’ve been looking in my preferences for an option to change my email but I was not able to find one. Apologies for this being my first post as I am mostly a lurker but have been enjoying the progress of the project and run it on my server. Is it possible for that to be changed? because I am not sure who to message about this. I’ve been moving to a new email and am hoping it won’t require a new account.
https://auth.spongepowered.org/accounts/settings/ - there should be a pencil next to the e-mail address field.
If you can’t see it, try this direct link: https://auth.spongepowered.org/accounts/change-email/
Thanks, that link lets me change what looks like my ore preferences but on my forums preferences it still shows my old email which is where I can’t see a pencil icon. Is that also something that will change after some time or is it separate?
It should be pulling that from Auth, it might require you to log out of, and back into, the forums (and probably auth in general). I’ll ask the sys-ops to answer this more fully, however.
Thank you for suggesting to log out, I should have tried that after updating my email with that link. Its now updated on the forums preferences also, I appreciate the help.