EntityDisguise - A simple lightweight plugin that allows players to disguise themselves as Entities

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, EntityDisguise. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Welcome to your new project!


A few things about your code:

FLARD inside! * There are a lot of Java conventions that you're avoiding. For instance, making a (lowercase) package unique to you. * You also use an odd file tree. If I had to guess, taking into account the tab indents, I'd say you're using Eclipse with a default project (bad idea). Generally one puts code in src/main/java/ instead of just src/, but that's just one of many things. * On that note, you don't seem to be using a build system. I am curious as to why? Gradle is incredibly easy to use and learn, and it makes life simpler in a million ways. * May I ask why you are not using CommandSpec? There are a few rare cases where you'd use CommandCallable directly, but you're doing the stuff that CommandSpec is designed for (subcommands, token-based parsing, etc.). * On permissions: Generally one uses static final variables rather than enums for this sort of thing, since an enum is designed to be a completely separate type. Also, the permission spec is defined such that rather than a * node (e.g. permission.commands.*), a permission inherits all of its child nodes automatically (e.g. permission.commands). None of your extra processing applies to Sponge. * On statics: They're bad. * On EntityTypes: The GameRegistry has a method for the exact thing you have a specific method for. `GAME.getRegistry().getType(EntityType.class, name))`

Overall, I’d recommend you give the entire SpongeDocs a thorough read-through.

Also, a bit of a bug with Ore that I’ve noticed is that if you’re editing the page for too long, it won’t update the forum thread. Try clicking the edit button on the Ore page, and then immediately clicking the save button.

Yeah i saw the bug with ore. I wrote the 2nd page late at night.

Keep in mind i designed and made Entity Disguise back when sponge was still in its early stages and sponge docs was still being written and for the older API’s. I have looked at it since but only specific parts.

I know i am ignoring a lot of old java conventions, ita a bad habit i am trying to break, i am self tought in Java. I dont know where the class style for package names came from, nor the uppercase global variables, but i should be joining a uni to do software engineering for java later this year to remove those bad habbits.

As for gradle, etc. Some reason they crash my eclipse. I have tried a whole os restore to get it working but it just doesnt work. It happens with Marvin or what ever its called (on phone so i cant really look it up)

As for the commandCallable. I came from Bukkit, i just simply prefer the CommandCallable to CommandSpec. Its just a preference.

The permissioms, again i came from bukkit and i have always had difficulty getting the .* To work without me hard coding them in (not sure if its possible in bukkit) so i assumed it was the same in sponge.

As for
GetType(EntityType.class, name)
Did not see that.

I do fight time to maintine this plugin so i probably wont release a new version with the changes you have requested, but most will come (most due to gradle not working for me)

Having an error when running disguise command.
Running pixelmon Beta 9 with spongeforge latest.
Will post an error log.

I havent tested Entity Disguise for a while, so a error log would be nice

This is finally being updated again.

An API 7 release will be coming out hopefully in the next couple of days.

It has been rewritten from the ground up for API 7 taking full advantage of what Sponge has to offer.

Also a new Ore page will be made as this plugin was put on way before Ore was any where near ready, now Ore is much more stable

For anyone wondering; here is the link to the new Ore version:

This thread can be locked now (it was for the old Ore-staging).

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