Error encountered when creating new worlds/loading old ones

I receive this error message on Minecraft when I try to create a new world:

Failed to connect to the server
Internal Exception: org.spongepowered/asm.mixin.transformer.thropwables.MixingtransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered

Here is the list of mods + versions I am using:

Sky Villages - 1.0.1
YUNG’s Bertter Dungeons - 3.2.2
YUNG’s Better Witch Huts - 2.1.0
Awesome dungeon the end - 3.0.0
YUNG’s Better Ocean Monument - 2.1.0
Library ferret - 3.0.0
Macaw’s Windows - 2.1.0
Macaw’s Paintings - 1.0.4
Clumps - 9.0.0+11
Journeymap - 5.8.5
CookingForBlockheads - 13.3.0
Controlling - 10.0+7
Awesome Dungeon - 3.0.0
YUNGls API - 3.8.2
Better Animals Plus - 11.0.7
U Team Core -
YUNG’s Better Desert Temples - 2.2.1
Additional Structures - 4.0.2
Balm - 4.5.3
Terralith - 0.0NONE
The Twilight Forest - 4.2.1468
Macaw’s Paths and Pavings - 1.0.2
When Dungeons Arise - 2.1.52
Awesome dungeon edition ocean - 3.0.0
Minecraft Dungeons Mod - 1.13
Castle in the sky - 1.19.2
Macaw’s Bridges - 2.0.5
Farmer’s Delight - 1.2.0
Useful Backpacks -
Terra Blender -
Titanium - 3.7.0
Awesome dungeon nether - 3.0.0
Biomes O’Plenty -
Project Vibrant Journeys - 5.1.0
Macaw’s Fences and Walls - 1.0.6
Darker Depths - 1.0.6 patch 3
Curios API -
Flywheel - 0.6.7-8
Create - 0.5.0.f
Patchouli - 77
Ars Nouveau - 3.4.6
LevelHearts - 2.4.0
AutoRegLib - 1.8.2-55
quark - 3.3-373
Nullscape - 0.0NONE
Angel Ring 2 - 2.1.4
Better village - 2.0.0
YUNG’s Better Strongholds - 3.2.0
Wabi-Sabi Structures - 1.1.1
Macaw’s Roofs - 2.2.1
Moog’s Voyager Structures - 3.1.4
Architectury - 6.3.56
Lootr -
Macaw’s Furniture - 3.0.2
Functional Storage - 1.0.7
The Undergarden - 0.8.3
Oh the Biomes You’ll Go -
Aquaculture 2 - 2.4.8
Towns and Towers - 1.10
YUNG’s Better Mineshafts - 3.2.0
GeckoLib - 3.1.38
Macaw’s Lights and Lamps - 1.0.4
Willing Wythers Overhauled Overworld - 3.1.8

I am using Minecraft 1.19.2 and Forge 43.2.2, Every mod listed above is for forge. I know that there are, like, 4 different biome mods up there, I didn’t choose them, and they aren’t the ones that are giving me this error.

Here is a link to the log: - Log Upload

There is no SpongeForge for 1.19.2. Your problem arises from mixin incompatibilty, which means some of your mods are fighting. Spongepowered has no control on how other mods implement their mixins. Your best bet is to try eliminating mods until it works.
Also, I’m not sure what “thropwables” is.

Also the pastebin you uploaded doesnt mention the error you have stated. Instead just a whole load of JSON read exceptions from many mods (also saw a class cast exception)