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Plugin Version: 0.0.4
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Similar in Bukkit / Spigot: Factions, MultiClan
☐ /factions info - Information about Core Factions
☐ /factions list - List all factions
Faction Admin
☐ /factions delete - Delete your faction
Faction Owner / Authorized
/factions create <shortcut> <name>
- Create a faction
/factions delete
- Delete your faction and all dependencies
/factions invite <name>
- Invite a player
☐ /factions kick - Kick a player
☐ /factions rank create - Create a rank
☐ /factions rank - Give player a rank
Faction Player
☐ /factions accept - Accept an invite
☐ /factions deny - Deny an invite
☐ /factions home - Teleport to your faction
☐ /factions leave - Leave your clan
☐ /factions stats - Stats / Infos of the faction
to be continued …
Faction Access Level / Ranks
sendMessageToFaction(<message>, <factionId>)
Faction Access Level / Ranks
There will be a global configurated amount of ranks per faction with configurable names.
The founder of a faction will have the highest access level by default.
Activation of a faction
By default a created faction will have the status “disabled”. So the server owner can define conditions players need to meet those for a fully activation. For example a minimum amount of 5 Players.
Factions help players to create multiple factions. It will be a full configurable and easy to control plugin.
Minecraft Sponge Plugins With Passion
Every support is highly appreciated and gives me motivation and some freetime to
work on my plugins.