ExtraChat - Giving your chat some life [v1.4e] - Chat channels and Community Word Blacklist!

In your PlayerChat file, I’ve come up with an easier and more efficient way (with the help of some irc people) to check distance.

Yeah unless you need the result for something avoid sqrt’s as much as possible.

I will use it thanks!

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Btw, I can’t edit my post :(, some way to fix it?

I’d ask a mod, like @FerusGrim. There is a time limit on post editing unfortunately.

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There is, but I don’t really have a way to circumvent it.

Go ahead and flag your post @Buuz135, and someone who can do something will get a hold of you.

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Thanks @FerusGrim and @The_Doctors_Life :smiley:


Sorry if I missed it somewhere, but is there a way to configure ExtraChat to use the prefixes and suffixes defined in PermissionsEx? I’ve already got what would be this plugins “tags” configured in PEX’s permissions file (ported over from CraftBukkit), and I’d rather not have to redo them all for EC.

not yet, I’m working on pex integration atm.

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I love the base that your plugin is creating for chat. I have quite a few ideas that I’ve outlined in this post: Chat Obfuscation

However, I feel that if this were to all be integrated into your plugin, the config file could become a mess. Perhaps you can think about adding an addon functionality to ExtraChat? (Almost like ExtraChat is a core chat plugin, whereas you can add other parts, similar to how essentials managed their different branches)

I’ve been looking forward to an up-to-date chat obfuscater, and if you were willing to integrate it in some way, I would forever worship you.

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Sweet, can’t wait.

Can’t seem to get the default tag or broadcast working. Using edited examples. When the server restarts, all tags are reset.

Edit: Got default tags working and assigned tags, but editing the broadcast json seems to mess with it, also, my kingdom for /mute xD

-Ability to remove tags from the json, when I delete them they seem to just be remade. I sometimes blunder and make a tag but can’t delete it.
-Ability to give specific tags formatting.

Is there a way for my PEX prefixs to show in chat?

Not yet, iirc. Author said they were working on it a few posts up.

Download zml’s feather chat

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Download down? The link seems to be broken :frowning:

The download doesn’t work; I cannot connect to the server at “http://buuz135.party

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dat download link broken fam


What’s up with development on this? Download link is busted and there has not been a peep from the dev since June…

This thread is now locked, as the download link is broken, and the developer has been absent for months. Until (or if) @Buuz135 returns, or someone else adopts the plugin, it will remain closed. Sorry folks, the future rolls onward.