ExtraChat - Giving your chat some life [v1.4e] - Chat channels and Community Word Blacklist!

I can give It a try!

He even provides code for cross-server chat, you’d just need to make it work with perms/channels etc :smiley:

Does anyone happen to have an example blacklist I could check out? I’ve looked over the one given and read a bit on regex online but I can’t seem to get things to filter correctly. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if its implemented differently here. Thanks.

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Here, in my github, there are examples for all json files.

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Can we get the ability to assign the chat rooms via perms along side passwords? Thus allowing us to give specific groups the node in order to use it. I’m really just comparing this to Hero Chat.

Excellent, thank you!

Update 1.4e. Blacklist fixes

How do you do two broadcasts?

Using the above example I get the following output:

Minecraft Server 1.8
Forge 1.8-
Sponge 1.8-1446-2.1DEV-500
ExtraChat-1.4e BUILD #34

Just a suggestion:
Use Forge 1446 as Sponge 500 is build against that version.

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It works fine for me, do you have any other plugins installed? Is there any console errors?

Same occurs here using:
Forge 1450
Sponge 500

Other chat and/or prefix plugins installed > PEX

Other issues:
All other blacklist formats are cap sensitive [Stikeout, Replace, Command… all of them].
Example: POOP wont turn orange, while poop will. lag turns in potato while LAG doesnt. ETC

Also, via the tags if you have “&c[Owner] &3” and even “&c[Owner]&3”, the color code acts as a space. So instead of : [Owner]**.Ren … you get [Owner]…**Ren

Had to remove the secondary color code to make the space go away. This is also being preformed on your latest version as of now.

Big issue: Blacklisted words ARE activated if apart of a non black listed word. Example: “KKK” is blacklisted, but someone uses “I’m Backkkk” << Registers the KKK within their text and kicks/punishes them. “Ass” found in “Grass”, “Nig” found in “Night” are all prime examples of words that will easily trigger the blacklist if set up.

I hate to be a pain in the butt, but could anyone possibly post a better example of the broadcast.json. Maybe a more realistic version that someone would use on their server? I’m not too familiar with JSON files/format… still learning :sweat:

There is examples of all configs in Github: https://github.com/Buuz135/ExtraChat/tree/master/examples

All the words problems is regex, not In my part but in the user part. And the case sensitive is fixed in the last update

Afaik his blacklists use regular expressions. So it’s not for him to fix (and certainly not a bug). You need to change your matching patterns to accomodate for that. So instead of KKK you’d use something like (^|\s)[kK]{3}($|\s). That’d match KKK, kkk, kKk but not Backkk.

(No, I didn’t test it.)

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That’s what I meant before, thanks! :smiley:

In your PlayerChat file, I’ve come up with an easier and more efficient way (with the help of some irc people) to check distance.

Yeah unless you need the result for something avoid sqrt’s as much as possible.

I will use it thanks!

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