ExtraChat - Giving your chat some life [v1.4e] - Chat channels and Community Word Blacklist!

As I said making the custom name a DisplayName when the player joins it would be easier in my side to get the DisplayName and add it to the message so your plugin can handle Custom names.

Iā€™ll make a custom displayname for it and then it should work great.


The incompatibility is fixed in 0.4 (should be released today.)
Edit: Itā€™s out in the main Spongy thread. Itā€™s a wip release :smiley:


thanks @Buuz135 and @Lokio27 for working together on this. The chat colours are now working fine.

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iā€™m currently running 1.3e and each time a chat message is sent, an error appears in the logs.

see here: http://pastebin.com/99LbL3dz

you can see from the logs that itā€™s the chat logger. what file or folder is it trying to write into?

cheers, wizdude

The default folder is chatlog, it seems that it didnā€™t had permission to create the file.

thanks for that tip. it seems obvious now, but the whole ā€œsponge dev builds now availableā€ thread is full of ā€œuse the latest forge because the recommended one doesnā€™t workā€ and at no point did anyone mention to MATCH the version of forge.

even the official install notes here: https://docs.spongepowered.org/en/server/getting-started/installation.html
say use the latest forge.

this should be updated to prevent confusion and to avoid telling people like me over and over that they have the wrong version :wink:

cheers, wizdude

If you still have problem you can disable the logger in the config until I fix it :smiley:

Take a look here:

Thereā€™s an explanation of the version matching.
It should be added to getting-started/installation too (just realised this :stuck_out_tongue: )

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that certainly works for the time being. itā€™s strange - my chatlog folder has content from last night, but nothing now.

iā€™ve tried to roll back to older versions of your plugin to see when it broke, but I can no longer get the chatlog folder to populate with any new data.


Just created a PR to avoid confusion in the future.
/me crosses fingers for this to get accepted

iā€™ve found the problem - itā€™s a date formatting issue.

on previous builds the files in the chatlog have names like:

May 10, 2015 10-09-23 PM.zip
May 10, 2015 10-10-58 PM.zip

now I found this in the fml error log:

[00:03:28] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR/EC]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: chatlog/12/05/2015 12-02-08 AM.zip (No such file or directory)

itā€™s formatting the date with slashes - thus trying to write in a multi-subdirectory format.

did this somehow change in your code?

@Buuz135 oh wow. Iā€™ve found the source of the problem and when it broke.

tonight I started using MobaXTerm as my SSH program to connect into my linux box so I can take advantage of using MOSH (when my PC goes to sleep at night, I can reconnect immediately in the morning into the same session)

when I use MobaXTerm/MOSH to login to my host and run the server, your chatlogs get the system date as 12/05/2015. when I standardly PuTTY into the host and run the server, your chatlogs get the system date as May 10, 2015.

this is probably something you should watch out for, as different systems (PC, Mac, Unix etc) will return different system date formats and potentially might break your chat logging.

see if you can do anything handy at your end. in the mean time Iā€™m going to hunt down why the system date format is different by using a different SSH terminal program.

in ChatLogger.java you have this:

    Date d = new Date();
    fileTo = new File(ConfigLoader.loggerPath + File.separator + d.toLocaleString().replaceAll(":", "-") + ".log");

and iā€™m suspecting this is the cause of the problem. Given that the locale could give indeterminate results, perhaps using a fixed format like this might be a solution:

    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

    Date d1 = new Date(); 
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy h:mm a");
    String d = sdf.format(d1);

you might need to change this in multiple places. iā€™m sure you get the idea of what iā€™m talking about here.

as a simple standalone example:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class HelloWorld{

     public static void main(String []args){
        Date d1 = new Date(); 
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy h:mm a");
        String d = sdf.format(d1);

cheers, wizdude.

alternatively you could also parse the string and replaceAll forward slashes ie ā€œ/ā€ with a minus ā€œ-ā€.

i donā€™t like this solution as much because it means different environments create different files names for the logs.

Thanks :D, I will try it next version.

I have a issue with a sponge server in general and figured someone might now related to this plugin. I cant seem to edit chat in any way, IE cant change the format on how people talk and what colors they have. It shows default I am wondering if theirs some setting/plugin/lib I need to change/add to correct this? Thanks to anyone who can help me out :smiley:

What version of sponge are you using? If it is 446 probably is broken for that version.

I like the plugin, seems awesome! =:D First plugin for Sponge I have used, Iā€™m so excited for Sponge, since I have had bukkit servers since 2011. :smiley:
Anyway, I have a few things to say;
In the help command it says ā€œ/ec tagadd tag playerā€, yet the correct form is is /ec tagadd player tag. It took my quite a while to find out, and I had to go into the code to find out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Another thing, is that I find the page confusing and difficult to figure out how to use the features of the plugin.

Anything else is pretty damn well made, I like the system and the way it works too! :smiley: May I make a tutorial video of it if I get the time at some point? :slight_smile:

Im changing a lot of stuff for the next version :smiley:

Oh wow that was a quick response. xD
Cool cool, will you add a way for default tags? :smiley:

Probably I will.

Well I was using version 443 originally with this issue, then updated to 445 and then to 446. All had the same issue :confused: (Just updated to 449 :stuck_out_tongue: )

449 works with my Dev version in jenkins.