ExtraChat - Giving your chat some life [v1.4e] - Chat channels and Community Word Blacklist!

Version 1.4 is out! Improved ChatLog, with Join, Quit and Death messages[Implemented in my side but not in Sponge side], Default tags. Made Json files more user friendly [see Github for examples]. Chat Channel system, local, global and more, you name it you have it!

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How does the new default tag thing work? :slight_smile:

As you see here default tags have no player list and the default value it’s true.

Oh, cool. I just found out that the message format doesn’t work for me for me anymore :confused: The commands gives me no error though. Color codes doesn’t work in chat either… :confused:

What does it show in chat? There is an error in console?

No error anyway, it just doesn’t work…
I deleted the file and the folder and redownloaded and it still doesn’t work. :confused: I use the latest Sponge build

Do you use &1 for example? Make a screenshot that shows what it shows in chat

The screenshot is here

When you do /ec formatmes does it say something?

Just this

Try my latest dev

Version 1.4b is out, removed the replace function and made a better Blacklist.
Big thanks to @Sinuce for helping me!
I hope to people to contribute Regex filters to my Github to make others life easier.

Thanks for the shoutout @Buuz135
RegEx is indeed a powerful tool for chat management. Cool to seeing that you implemented it. :slight_smile:

In regards to your update I have a question:
“What is the syntax for having multiple blacklisted words using the same rules?”
E.g. (using your example), if I wanted to include both “n[^a]gg+(a|er|uh)”, “fuck”, “asshole” etc.

Please see this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/tc8SxFem
Notice the beginning (?i)( and closing ) which is the old BungeeChatFilter syntax making it possible to using multiple words.
What is the procedure in ExtraChat?

Furthermore, here is my full BCF config.yml, should it be helpful: http://pastebin.com/63zAf4Fg

I realise that an immediate solution would be to simply use OR |. That would, however, end up pretty messy if you take my example in perspective. :sweat:

At this point multiple words are not allowed, just diferent filters. For the next version I will add variables for easy use and probably command execution.

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Version 1.4c is out with multiple regex filter, regex variables and a command trigger! Many thanks to @Sinuce for the help again!


Is there a command to add or edit channels in game yet? Im figuring you already plan this, but it would be nice to let my players create their own channels on the fly. Maybe even go as far as temp channels, like on VOIP, as soon as the channel is empty is deletes itself. Also , display items in chat is an mmo feature Ive longed for. Awesome job!

A command for creating a channel would be a little complicated to understand as the channel has too much info, but its very easy to add one just copy one of the originals an edit it. :smiley:

Toggling the log needs to provide feedback. at the moment it only says “Toggled the log.” which is next to useless.

Also it would be nice to have a channel list.

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Version 1.4d is out, it fixes the broadcast update and a more descriptive log command @ryantheleach :smiley:

@Buuz135 Any plans to support CrossEvents?

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