Fly with nostalgia - Flight mode similar to the pre-creative age of Minecraft

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Fly with nostalgia. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

Fly with nostalgia

Fly with nostalgia is a mod adding a retro flight mode, similar to the pre-creative days of Minecraft. Players with the retro flight mode active can walk through the air on glass platforms which slowly disappear behind them.

Note: The plugin currently uses a Mixin to register a world tick listener. That is planned to be replaced with Sponge API in future releases.

Steve standing on a glass platform above the forest. Screenshot is taken from a third-person camera in front of the player. Programmer's art texture pack is active



Enables or disables retro flight mode for the player. All the arguments are optional.

Command format: /fly <targets> <radius> <enable>

targets - choose one or more players for whom the retro flight mode will be toggled.
radius - set how big the platform should be (in blocks around the player). Defaults to 3.
enable - specify if the flight should be enabled (true) or disabled (false).

A new version has been released for Fly with nostalgia, it is available for download here.

First release of a plugin for adding a flight mode similar to the pre-creative age of Minecraft. Retro flying mode can be toggled using the provided ‘/fly’ command. Glass platform spawns underneath player’s feet as long as the surrounding blocks are either air or liquids. Platform radius is configurable per-player using the command. Crouching temporarily removes the platform.