Folder Only For Sponge Mods?

I’ve been putting all my sponge plugins in the mods folder and renaming them to have SPONGE in front so they’ll all organized next to each other.
I’m wondering if there’s a better way, such as making a folder in the mods folder for them?

Yes, the docs are a great place to check out some more ‘hidden’ config options: Installing Plugins — Sponge 7.2.0 documentation


You may have borked your link there.

Fair warning, some plugins are ‘Mixin Plugins’ which are technically Core mods.

Those must be in the mods directory.

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If you mean the highlight, no - it’s a quick way to pinpoint on the sponge docs relevant information. Makes the information standout.

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No, I mean what’s highlighted. Spaces aren’t taken literally, but rather delimit search terms.

I understand, but without this becoming overly pedantic and off-topic, it serves the intended purpose.