We all know that we should back our servers up. Sometimes, however, it’s just not as easy as we’d like it to be.
Presenting B2MC…
Based on my public JB2 API, this plugin will create a zip file containing your entire server and upload it to the Backblaze cloud. I don’t host this, it’s a huge US company which stores petabytes of data, and that you can rely on.
It’s free?
My plugin is entirely free of charge, and B2 offers 10GB of free storage, including unlimited bandwidth. If you plan on using my plugin for several servers, I recommend you check out the pricing page. You’ll never get charged if you don’t enter your details, you’ll just be capped.
Is it hard to setup?
Nope! Just install the plugin, and restart your server to generate the necessary configs. Sign up here, and then enable B2:
Once you’ve done that, click buckets on the sidebar and generate your account ID and application key. Add this to the config, and you’re ready to go. Make sure you’ve changed the bucket name to something nobody else will have and that only contains letters and numbers.
What now?
Restart your server one last time. Every day at midnight, your server will be backed up automatically. If you’d like to test out backup, just type the /runbackup command in the console or chat.
Upcoming features:
Keep more than one backup
Advanced scheduling configuration to choose when backups should take place
Automatic backup restores
That’s it!
All feedback is appreciated, and feel free to PM me if you’d like any support. I hope you make good use of B2MC, as it was great fun to make.
(Jar works on Sponge and Spigot)
Please note, that while a fix will be coming soon, backups of over 10GB will be created as a local zip file but not uploaded to Backblaze due to upload restrictions.