freeblocks edit -> permission: freeblocks.edit
Sets you as an editor if there currently is none. If you already are the editor it resets you to not be the editor.
An ArmorStand with a Shulker and a FallingBlock as passengers. The falling block is constantly teleported to y=-1 to prevent it from turning into a block.
/freeblocks edit
On the area it is impossible to put blocks, impossible to break. The area is highlighted with a thin black line and slightly trembling.
I misunderstood the purpose of the plugin. About the flicker and black frames will make the video. [quote=“RandomByte, post:10, topic:14952”]
Block placement…Break block
Need it.
The constant redrawing and shivering. It can be tedious. It is impossible to remove the blocks, even after removing the plugin. Even worldedit is not helped but it was possible to walk through available blocks. How to remove blocks?
That shimmering is a known basic bug in nearly all of computer graphics called z fighting.
to fix you need to make the blocks not be on exactly the same axis.
As I said I will add removing FreeBlocks, basically turning FreeBlocks to normal blocks.
The Z-fighting(thanks @ryantheleach) is caused by Minecraft, the only thing you could try is moving one block to the side by some ‘milli-pixels’.
The video with the trembling: I can’t reproduce this behavior. Are you using Pixelmon? If yes try removing it and see if the FreeBlocks move.