Full name suggestion

I have a suggestion about a “full name” and “short name” in the forum.

Full name is the same one you see in GitHub which can be like: hmksq (Humaid AlQassimi) which will be displayed in posts.

Short name is just the nick name: hmksq will be viewed anywhere which can’t fit the full name.

If this is not a discourse feature (I don’t think it is) then the forums software requires modifications.

So what do you think? :relaxed:

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Moved to Meta category.

Wow, regulars can move posts. Didn’t know that! :smile:

I’m sorry but i don’t get why we need this? :confused:

Regulars can do alot of things… just take a look:
They have special rights to access the lounge too.

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yep, and there hasn’t been a post in the lounge for awhile now.


but most of us know each other by the short name, what is the point in carrying needless letters around?

sniff :cry: I’m coming home soon!


You got this octo! (Example of nick name use)


makes me wonder… @riking do you know if discourse allows for you to be pinged by something other than your name, say…by a username? (@octoshrimpy vs @octo, as long as it’s not claimed of course)

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Yeah. I’d love @TBot :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol @DotDash - @Dash (edit: aww @dot is taken
Lol @BitByte - @Bit

I’m not sure if this is something I would like or not, sure it’s a nice addition, but it also pretty much means people can take up 2 username slots which could be annoying for some new members if a username they want is taken by another user for their “short name”.

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Maybe something like skype, where you have a display name that you can change, but people can still see your username on your page.

So basically like a forum nickname? I’ve been on a forum that has that, although I’ve found it kinda confusing.

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with this only being a forum and not something like a social network, I feel like one username is enough. No need to be known by multiple things. If you do have other names people may know you by you could always add it in your “About Me” section on your profile.

I think that might add an unnecessary level of complexity to the forums.

Nonetheless, Discourse lets you add your full name to your account under your preferences. If you choose to add it, it will be shown on both your profile and your user card (which appears when people hover over your avatar).


True, just a random idea.
If there was an option for that (in discource settings), I wish they would enable it.




You couldn’t use me as an example?!?!?!?!??!?!???!??!??1?