Future of Sponge if Minecraft goes C++

What frightens me the most is that nobody can tell for sure that microsoft will keep funding the java version of minecraf :cry:. And if they are also like. Upgrade OR! They can just take down the legacy login servers to kill the “old” java game.

(dramatic enough?, its derailed anyway xD)

Well, we shall C, right?
(ok ok, I’m sorry… ;))


Alright let’s calm down for a second.

One: The likelihood of Mojang agreeing to a complete rewrite of MC in C++ or C# is very low. They aren’t C programmers.

Two: Even if M$ did decide to kill the login servers, there are other ways to do authentication. In fact, if you drop by the plugins section on this very discourse forum, you’ll see there’s an alternate login plugin already up.

Three: The open Minecraft community will never die. I’ve played games far smaller than this behemoth that lasted a decade after their “planned lifetime” was supposed to be over.

Life… uh… finds a way.


For the record, I was fueling the drama :stuck_out_tongue:. Also the necro is real …

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