That moment when a “moment” is actually longer than a moment.
That moment when you think
should be
That moment when you realize that max 50 IRC channels open at once is not enough.
That moment when extremely sad things happen.
:cry:That moment when you wonder just what is going to happen to Sponge
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body { background-color: #333333; } **That moment when a good day turns into a bad day in a matter of hours.**That moment when you discover this.
That moment when the What-if/XKCD army arrives at Sponge
That moment when the sponge developers are
That moment when my code is compiling.
That moment when @DotDash says a ‘that moment when’ in another thread
That moment when @simon816 cares about something I did.
That moment no one care’s that I try to be funny by cras- @bitbyte.exe has crashed.
That moment when it’s become such a regular occurrence that we just have you in an infinite restart loop:
rem @bitbyte.bat reads as follows:
%strsNumbr = 0
%strsNumbr = %strsNumbr+1
Echo Starting for the %strsNumbr Time
run bitbyte.exe
Echo bitbyte.exe must have crashed: restarting
goto START
That moment when there’s a bug in the restart loop and you end up creating over 9000 instances of @BitByte.exe all crashing at the same time.
That moment when you actually try and attempt that <I didn’t, sorry BitByte >
That moment when I actually made a @BitByte.exe just to try that…
That moment when images on the forum are borked.
That moment when you realize IRC is your favorite social network.
That moment when this is a thing: