That moment when oh no.
That moment when your computer crashes and you have this reaction
I have encoded absolutely no sekret messages. Also, if you can read this, you just got Rick Rolled.
<Hahahahaha, you just got Rick Rolled =P >
That moment when <Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around, and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna say a lie, and hurt you.>
I love quote reply
That moment when I successfully Rick Roll 10 people.
Hahaha, I can’t believe that many people clicked the link again! You got Rick Rolled… again. Com’on people, let’s use some common sense
That moment when I did it before @epicTylev
That moment when I don’t exactly believe you, but I’ll take your word for it.
#That moment when I use BIG TEXT.
That moment when you write an essay and press Command+Shift+F to auto format it
That moment when make an IRC bot and you become the happiest person in the whole world.
That moment when said IRC bot s’plodes.
That moment when @BitByte should join #soakedup because there are ~4 bots.
That moment when you think, “I should check IRC”…when you’re looking at your IRC client
That moment when pretty much everyone I talk to regularly is a regular.
That moment when you’re happily playing around with a Python library in a REPL, when suddently:
######(Yes, i did say python)
That moment when IRC netsplit.
That moment when netsplits become more common then the lack thereof
That moment when
That moment when:
That moment when you realize you go on GitHub more than Facebook