[GAME] That moment when

That moment when @Aaron1011 s moments are moving :smiley:


That moment when you have 14k unread github notification emails… thanks spongepowered


That moment when you know you can have that game in apknite for free.

that moment when you know you are broke, unemployed and a big student debt is still there above your head student%20debt

Laughs in European

Sorry, had to say that.
Btw, that’s a pretty strong necro

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That moment when you are all wet already and you found out that there’s no soap.

That moment when you check outdoors if it’s gonna rain and you think it’s not so you didn’t bring your umbrella outside. Then the rain came down so hard afterwards.

That moment when you thought your friend farted but it’s your mouth that smells like a shit-loaded toilet.