[Game] Three word story

in to the

nearby dark cave

. @HeirOfChairs was the

evil mastermind behind

raising baby ducklings.

and had forseen

the end of

this current time.

Peanut Butter that

could turn you

Unless you have

the magic key

Story so far:

“One bright day, in sunny Spain, stood a man with a plan. His plan was to take over ALL THE THINGS! But one day he saw a little goblin crouched over a fire, roasting a turnip. Then suddenly he found a very special gem that made you rub squeaky pickles together. This is really the day that we all agreed to fight the robot dinosaur unicorns that had invaded the planet of strange sci-fi dreams. Suddenly he stumbled upon a hidden horse that talked, could fly, and speak in Latin (albeit not fluently). The horse’s name was @DotDash. It was rather eccentric and smelled somewhat. The horse then shit on the foot of @MrSparkzz and ran off in to the nearby dark cave. @HeirOfChairs was the evil mastermind behind raising baby ducklings and had foreseen the end of this current time. Peanut butter that could turn you on unless you have the magic key.”

Not really sure what happened at the end there… but alright.


But when the


oversize potato king

named @drtshock arrived,

the trolling @TBotV63

ate the potato-king!

But the potato-king

used his potato-power