GhostBuster - A ghost block fixer

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, GhostBuster. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.



GhostBuster is a small plugin that fixes most ghost blocks that may appear when mining at high speed. This plugin simply resends blocks to the client when it detects a player is stuck.


This plugin only resends blocks for players having permission ghostbuster.resend. In other words, you need this permission for the fix to be effective.


GhostBuster automatically connects to the Ore repository to check for updates. By default, the console and all players having the permission ghostbuster.update.notify will be notified when an update is available but it can be disabled by editing the following configuration file: config/ghostbuster/update.conf.

I don’t plan to update this plugin to Minecraft 1.16.5 and newer because Mojang has fixed known issues with ghost blocks.

A new version has been released for GhostBuster, it is available for download here.

  • Remove debug line