Giveaways - Simple plugin to start manual giveaways for the whole server!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Giveaways. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

Giveaways - Simple plugin to start manual giveaways for the whole server!



If you need any help, please contact us on Discord


/giveaway start < seconds > <prize…> - giveaways.start

/giveaway item < seconds > [ prize… ] - giveaways.item

/giveaway join - giveaways.join


Messages {
    # Message sent to server when giveaway has completed
    completedGiveaway="&b{winner} &7has won the giveaway for &6{giveaway}"
    # Message sent to player when they have joined the giveaway.
    joinGiveaway="&aYou have joined the giveaway, &b{playerName}\n&7You are position number &b#{position}"
    # Message sent to server when no one has joined the giveaway
    noParticipants="&7No one has joined &b{playerName}&7's giveaway! &c:("
    # Message sent to server when started a giveaway
    startedGiveaway="&b{playerName} &7has started a giveaway for &6{giveaway}"
Pagination {
    # Adds space in between lines to look nicer!
    # Insert Pagination footer here
    footer="&8[&aJoin Giveaway&8]"
    # Insert Pagination padding here
    # Insert Pagination title here
Scoreboard {
    # Text for participants in the giveaway on the scoreboard
    # Text for time remaining line on scoreboard
    timeRemaining="&6Seconds Remaining:"
    # Title for top of scoreboard

Any issues? Suggestions?

Feel free to contact me on Discord or leave an issue on GitHub.

A new version has been released for Giveaways, it is available for download here.

Giveaways - Simple plugin to start giveaways for the whole server!



If you need any help, please contact us on Discord


/giveaway start < seconds > <prize…> - giveaways.start

/giveaway join - giveaways.join


Messages {
    # Message sent to server when giveaway has completed
    completedGiveaway="&b{winner} &7has won the giveaway for &6{giveaway}"
    # Message sent to player when they have joined the giveaway.
    joinGiveaway="&aYou have joined the giveaway, &b{playerName}\n&7You are position number &b#{position}"
    # Message sent to server when no one has joined the giveaway
    noParticipants="&7No one has joined &b{playerName}&7's giveaway! &c:("
    # Message sent to server when started a giveaway
    startedGiveaway="&b{playerName} &7has started a giveaway for &6{giveaway}"
Pagination {
    # Adds space in between lines to look nicer!
    # Insert Pagination footer here
    footer="&8[&aJoin Giveaway&8]"
    # Insert Pagination padding here
    # Insert Pagination title here
Scoreboard {
    # Text for participants in the giveaway on the scoreboard
    # Text for time remaining line on scoreboard
    timeRemaining="&6Seconds Remaining:"
    # Title for top of scoreboard

Any issues? Suggestions?

Feel free to contact me on Discord or leave an issue on GitHub.

A new version has been released for Giveaways, it is available for download here.

Fixed an error where it would show different winners for each player on the server.

Fixed an error where it would let players join the giveaway even if they did not have the permission.

Refined the code to do less calculations.

Hello, i like this plugin but, can you add automatic rewards at the end giveaway ?

thanks =)

A new version has been released for Giveaways, it is available for download here.

Added /giveaway item [prize] with permission node giveaways.item

Available now in version 1.1.0, you can just hold the item in your hand and do /giveaway item [prize]