GreifPrevention Claim Blocks & Pixemon Chisel

I apologize in advance if this gets posted in the wrong spot. I’m new to this, and just need some help as I’ve searched and can not find anything to help me. So I have a pixelmon server I started up with nodecraft. Ive figured out most of everything, except I can’t get griefprevention to let me claim land as admin. I’ve already given myself the permission to use the command. I’ve looked a videos but none of them help as my server is through a host nodecraft. Also I can not find what I need to do to let me use the chisel. Every time I pull it out, it just says I’m not allowed to use chisel. I’ve looked to see if I can find anything but nothing.

What is the exact permission you have given? Copy and paste it if you must?

for claim land in admin

  • hold golden shovel and use command /adminclaims (must not switch item in ur hand)

for Chisel in Pixelmon

  • In /config/pixelmon.hocon
    edit in General { allowChisels=true }

griefprevention.admin.claim.command so that is the permission they say you need. But when I got to use the /adminclaims it says error occured while executing command: org/spongepowered/common/bridge/world/DimensionTypeBridge.
For the chisel I’ve already been in the config to make sure that it has true to the allow chisel and it does but still wont let me use it. I don’t know if it was because of luckperms or what.

“an error occured while executing command” means that the command failed to run. It will display why in your log with a lot of locations. It would be best to show the developer of grief prevention this error in its entirety. Not just the first line

Aright I can do that, as for chisel it something to do with luckperms. I took it off and I can use the chisel just fine. So I’m just going to do my all my building first and use the chisel for what I need for now. Add luck perms back later