GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

I tried restricting one group from a admin claim im trying to make donor rank + allowed in this claim only when i do /cfg Schoolkid enter-claim any false it wont let Alpha in im guessing its due to them being in the same default group? Anyways here my Pex I know the drill now xD

You need to paste your complete permissions.json file.

The alpha group has default permission of -1. As I said before, GP requires default be 0 instead of -1.

After many weeks of hard work and testing, 3D cuboid support is finally here! Players will now be able to create 2D or 3D claims. Check the change log for more info. Please backup your GP data before upgrading as this is a major feature. Downloads can be found in topic.

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@blood after hours of testing I stopped non allowed players into claims set to enter-claim any falseā€¦ Only issue Flying pokemon can enter the claim from the outside they still get no permission flying around in the claim but non the less they can fly inside the claim. They cannot throw pokemon in and mount up only enter from the outside. Any way to add a command that freezes players in a claim? or teleport them to a set location when they are in a claim they are not suppose to be in?

Test latest build.

Just tested still happens

Create a ticket on github. Iā€™ll look into when I get some time. Make sure to explain exactly how to reproduce the issue.

Players canā€™t edit other players claims until after a restart

PEX database mode is bugged. You need to convert your pex db to file mode using the export command.
Are you using version? or latest 1.10.2 pex build?
There is an open PEX ticket here

I am using griefprevention have added the permission nodes to the groups and players can claim land but their land isnt protected. Even when they place chests, other users can come and open it. same with the claim, players can break their claim.

You need to provide more informationā€¦ what GP build? what PEX build? What SpongeForge build? Paste your PEX permissions.json file

PEX didnt even generate a permissions.json file for meā€¦i have permissionsex.conf and
GP Build
PEX 2.0

You need to edit your PEX config and switch it to file mode. Database mode has some bugs which PEX hasnā€™t fixed yet.

Do you mind giving me a walkthrough

Hello I am having a huge problem with GriefPrevention that I canā€™t fix, it is the only plugin that appears to not be working.

Whenever I make any claim, no matter what kind admin or basic, other people can build on them, destroy them, etc.

Currently I am running Pixelmon with the latest version of SpongeForge with PermissionsEx, so I donā€™t see that being the issue. I donā€™t think I gave the users permissions to destroy and build on administrative claims, so I donā€™t know what is going on. Did I install it wrong? Everything from grief prevention seems to be working except for the ability to stop players from breaking blocks. Help!

I could use a guide for this as well, I have this same exact thing.

Paste your permissions.json file.

thanks for the help

My players canā€™t use pc or healers at spawn? when I protected it,