GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

is there a way to disable fall damage? because i dont know how to do that. or isn’t that possible?

/cf entity-damage minecraft:player false

Hello, i have GP on my server and for some reason the players can claim but the claim does nothing basically. people can still open their chests and can build on their land is there a fix for this or possibly a perm i cant find?

I have a problem with this mod in administrative areas. If you lift the block (button G), he disappears.

I need help, for some reason when i give accesstrust or containertrust it gives both and block breaking permissions which is really bad for me. how do i fix this. i have the latest version as well

also if there is a discord i can join please add a link to it


That link works for me, its ok we all have special moments

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Hi, i did not find any way to define the destination for the spent money when buying claim blocks.
I am using EconomyLite and I like the virtual-account-feature.
so is there currently any way to accomplish that or do you like this idea and would implement it?

I saw that this has an ability to tax players, but didn’t see a lot of information about it also not a lot of configuration.

Wanted to know what would happen if someone doesn’t have enough money to pay the tax for their claim.

Also wondering if we could have settings to change how much is charged (right now there doesn’t seem to be a configuration for that, a configurable meta value would be nice), change how often it’s charged, and if the player has to be online or not to charge them.

Hey Leute ich bin bei sponge neu

wär cool wenn mich jemand dabei helfen könnte

bei der Voraussetzung brauche ich alle drei oder nur eins davon [LuckPerms 2.6k 2.16.79+ PermissionsEx 1.8.9 729 oder PermissionsManager]

diese Version besitze ich server 1.12.2

bin noch auf der Suche nach dem Shop und ein rank System. und ein Geldsystem
und am besten benutzerfreundlich. XD

wär super nett wenn mir jemand da ein paar Links geben könnte oder ein paar Tipps
und ganz doll vielen Dank im voraus^^

你好,当我把插件装在服务器运行时,发现他有一个严重的bug.其他方块在领地周围爆炸时虽然不会破坏方块但是会掉落方块,如果是钻石块的话 这将是一个多么危险的事情,并且例如使用IC2 的 采矿镭射枪 或者在机器爆炸的时候 会偶尔的把领地内的方块破坏掉。我非常喜欢你的插件 可惜!很遗憾,这个bug对我来说太严重了。bug插件版本: griefprevention-1.12.2-
Can you repair it, please?

Hello Gentlemens

Im running a spongeforge Pixelmonserver. As you have heard of it, every Pixelmonserverowner sets the Externalmove-option in the config to false, otherwise the players will use it to grief. Is there any possibility, that you can prevent to grief other Playersbases via External Moves?

The other question is, if you can restrict claiming an area if there are the certain blocks or objects which you dont want to get claimed?

I got NullPointerException when applying claim tax task.

I need some help! When ever my players try to pvp it says: “That player is in a PvP safe zone.”. No matter where they are

How do I turn off the option for players to gain territory reserves through online time. Players are getting territorial reserves too fast.

I use EconomyLite to buy and sell territorial blocks. Is it that GP doesn’t recognize EconomyLite?

Where is the consolidated changelog? I’d like to look up the details on the new town update…

i love this plugin/mod however i miss a feature. can you add dynmap support to the claims so i can see claims on dynmap?

In our continuing effort to phase out the Plugin Releases category, this thread is being locked because the plugin is already listed on Ore.

Check it out: blood / GriefPrevention

For those who have recently asked for help on this thread, please reply further in the newer thread: