Group manager please

Can someone make group manager for sponge? pex is to hard, i cannot figure out how to use it and the commands

They can’t port a plugin with the original authors permission. You are going to have to read and learn how to use pex. Don’t expect everything to be handed to you :stuck_out_tongue:

The Groupmanager developer has left the MC scene, if anyone wants to port the Groupmanager syntax, i could try contact him.

However, if you are looking for a plugin with similar syntax soon, i heard that Bpermissions is being ported to Sponge, keeping the old YML structure. Bpermissions and Groupmanager share a very similar groups and users files format

If you can’t figure out how to use a plugin, it’s a much better idea to learn, and gain valuable plugin-learning skills, rather than have someone fix everything for you. PEX is used for approximately two-thirds of the permission management worldwide in Bukkit, and if they can figure it out, so can you.

if PEX isnt really for u i can think of 2 options right now. use the Pore plugin and run your server, then add groupmanager (the bukkit version) into the bukkit-plugins folder that is generated, and restart your server. I have tested this and it is what I am currently using.

Your second option is also using this new plugin:

seems simpler than PEX yet still good

Would definitely love to see Groupmanager making the port, or someone being given the go ahead for it. Its not a matter of “waah, have to learn a new command structure or file structure” but the fact that PEX and GM take a very different approach to handling permissions/groups/users in different worlds and thus allow for a totally different infrastructural design approach to handling them. Some things are rediculously easy to do in PEX compared to GM, while other things are rediculously simple for GM’s approach over PEX, and thats where holding out hoping to use an infrastructure you already have instead of investing in redesigning it all anew has had many of us crossing our fingers on a GM-like option.
YML, HOCON, XML, JSON, hell even CSS if that can be used somehow… a change in a file format and addition/change of some info is trivial compared to a change in a big-picture-rearrangement and redesign of a multiworld-rank-permissions infrastructure.

I at least would appreciate if you could reach out there, @Necrodoom – If all it really needs is a formalized statement from him somewhere “I grant permission for x person or any persons to port this to Sponge” I bet there will be folks to try to do that.

You will need Elgarl (Who is quite unreachable these days after leaving the MC scene) if you want a formal statement, although he did like the idea of porting to Sponge (aside from some shaded jar nonsense). Again, the closest plugin to GM would be the still-porting Bpermissions, who always kept a similar syntax to the older GroupManager.

I dont suppose you have a reference to somewhere where its been kinda directly mentioned by whomever for bpermissions then, or could assert the extremely likelyhood of it being valid ie 'i read a comment in chat from the author himself left 12 mins before i entered the chat " “I heard” could mean you saw a chat where someone said he was talking to someone who said that he was going to port his bpermissions this month " but said guy was just making it all up, or read somewhere with all the same meaning as the eager and excitement jumping on board with Sponge 1.5yrs ago cant wait to port Towny etc then months later, drop off the face of the earth… Lots of googlable and searchable finds in thsi site “I plan to port my X plugin” made a year ago by folks who now have no interest in even looking at it…

Ask @rymate1234 if you want to know about Bpermissions.

Hi, @TheBoomer

I am currently working on porting bPermissions to sponge. I started work porting it a few days ago, so it could be a few weeks before I have anything usable.

Best thing to do is to follow the progress on Commits · rymate1234/bPermissions · GitHub - any commits beginning with [SPONGE] are related to the sponge implementation.

@necrodoom What license was group manager released under? I thought it was a part of Essentials so it was under gplv3?

I assume so, youd need to ask Elgarl though. Groupmanager was mostly a separate project so it may not share a license, though it was used to be bundled with Essentials on DBO page.