GUI API - Any infos?

How to access GUI from sponge, want to create a marketplace / auction house like this:

When you say GUI I think you mean an Inventory Interface.
You can create custom inventories, first check out the base Inventory API

There isn’t any documentation on creating inventories currently, however there are many threads on the forums and you may find code from other plugins helpful too.

This may be a bit too advanced for me heh xD – Do you know if Forge would be easier to work with for a server-wide player run open market? I desperately want a GUI as browsing is a huge ++ to markets, but if it could use Minecraft’s built-in gui’s would be better, do you know of any examples of this being implemented?

Would forge gui creating be easier to the point I should just do it there instead regardless?

Ideally I want the closest to this with the least work as possible: Items Pricing Marketplace(as of now 10/20/2016) - YouTube

If you don’t mind the limitations of using vanilla chest interfaces and the like, it’s possible with sponge
There’s this WIP plugin by @Socratic_Phoenix that may be what you’re looking for