GuiShopManager - Auction as in various MMORPG games, in-game admin shops. No signs or chests

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, GuiShopManager. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


LocaleAPI plugin is required.

CommandPack - required for plugin version 3.0+.

MySQLDriver - optional support included.

H2Driver - optional support included. 3.0+.

  • Multicurrency support.
  • Support for all languages of the game using them without restarting.
  • Admin shop.
  • Console commands shop(1.16.5+).
  • An auction similar to what can be seen in various MMORPG games.
  • Support MySQL. The format of synchronization with the database depends on the plugin version.
  • Support H2(1.19.4).
  • Convenient shops that will fit a lot of items.
Demo video(1.12.2 version):
Permissions API8/10: : access to the main command
guishopmanager.staff.reload : reboot plugin
guishopmanager.staff.commandshop.create : creating a command shop
guishopmanager.staff.commandshop.addcommand : adding a command to an item in hand
guishopmanager.staff.commandshop.delete : deleting the command shop
guishopmanager.staff.commandshop.edit : editing a command shop
guishopmanager.staff.commandshop.translate : adding a localized name to the command shop : opening a command shop to others : opening a command shop : creating a shop : deleting a shop : editing a shop : add translateble shop name : opening a shop to others : opening a shop yourself : add item in hand to blacklist : opening an auction to others : opening an auction for yourself : putting an item up for sale using the command : access currency to purchase items at auction. : access currency to purchase items at auction. : access currency to purchase items in shop. : access currency to purchase items in shop.
guishopmanager.currency.currency_name_or_symbol.commandshop.shop_id : access currency to purchase in commandshop.
Placeholders for commands shop

%player% - the nickname of the player who activated the commands.
%uuid% - the UUID of the player who activated the commands.

API7(1.12.2) info →

English localization may contain errors. I had to use Google translator, and it does not always make the right translation. If you have a desire, then you can help in correcting the inaccuracies of the translation by clicking on this link.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

The first release. See general information.

English localization may contain errors. I had to use Google translator, and it does not always make the right translation. If you have a desire, then you can help in correcting the inaccuracies of the translation by clicking on this link.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Fix of transaction size errors in the shops. Fix fee value of lot at auction.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Cleaning code. Correction of not significant bugs.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Fix bug with fast clicks in shops(Duped buy or sell).

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Release for Sponge API8.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Several fixes. I strongly recommend to upgrade. One of the fixes eliminates the memory leak.

Thanks for the information walgreenslistens

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Update to the current version of SpongeAPI and LocaleAPI.
Fixed a small bug in the auction menu.

Hello im looking for the discord but the invitation are expired and they have a chance to add command on shop???

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A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Fixed various bugs.
Full support forge servers.
Added commands shop.
Changed plugin commands scheme.

Hello, i tried setting up a command shop but I can’t seem to get the Command for it right ironically. If you look in /GSM the command for addcommand is not present only cshop setitem which doesn’t exist at all. Can someone point me towards a solution for that. Thank you

There is an error in the commands info. I will now make and upload a correction.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

A fix for the help on commands.

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Try this version.

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I will later today thank you for the quick reply.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Fix java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: remove
This error occurred on recent versions of Sponge.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.

Miscellaneous fixes.

A new version has been released for GuiShopManager, it is available for download here.
