Happy Birthday gabizou!

…or is it Plebizou?

I kid.

Sponge wouldn’t be what it is today without (and certainly data wouldn’t be worshiped each Sunday morning, amen) Gabriel and one of the best decisions I ever made for this project was to contact him back in November of 2014 and ask him to work on this project. What began as simple collaborative development has turned into someone I’m honored to call a team member but most importantly, a best friend.

So, as I said for Aaron back on his birthday…For all of you who enjoy using Sponge be sure to pass along a thanks to
him (and the others) for without their charity Minecraft would have no future.

– Chris


Thanks for the awesome work man! Happy Birthday! :birthday:

Really nice work! Happy Birthday @gabizou :tada: !

i’d buy a cake and put it here but i can’t. :c.

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Happy Birthday, gabizou! :smiley:

Happy Birthday, Gabs.

Happy Birthday, gabizou! Keep on rocking! :smiley:

happy birthday or something.

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Happy Birthday, @gabizou!

:birthday: ← get yourself some cake! :slight_smile:

Wow, I really am from the future :stuck_out_tongue:

Overall, it’s been a privilege to work on such an amazing project, and the friendships I’ve made have only strengthened my relation to the project.

Again, many thanks for the birthday wishes, I hope that I’ll have many more and especially many more while still a part of this project.


Nows the time for the real wow-zinger and make everyone feel old and incompetent by comparison to the depth at which all the youngin’s are grasping and excelling at such projects, and it comes out that he is turning 12 today…

Happy birthday, gabizou! :birthday:

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Happy Birthday Gabizou! I wrapped a present in the Lab for you:

[spoiler=Top Secret Research Materials - DO NOT OPEN]

Rescued from the remains of the burning facility…
Some 1st Edition FLARD for YOU!


Will gabizou play almura on his birthday?