
Is the HealEntityEvent not implemented yet?
The docs are looking done, it just wont fire on my plugin.
I try to get the food regeneration.
My code looks like this:

public void onHealEntity(HealEntityEvent event) {
    System.out.println("Doooooooooooooooo it!!!");

I use the forge version of sponge. I also set the health, maxhealth and healtscale of the players but it also doesnt work with vanila values.

Wait so are you trying to listen for the event that is fired on food regeneration? Or health regeneration?

Food regeneration = regeneration of health due to having food.

As it turns out, this is one of those events that have not been implemented yet. However, as I originally wrote the API for it, and the damaging equivalent of the event (DamageEntityEvent) and it’s implementation, I have a very good grasp as to implementing it. Expect something to happen soon. :wink: