Help menu error

Looks more like a problem with Whatever “roots” is: elucent.roots.command.RootsCommand.func_71518_a( ~[RootsCommand.class:?]

Judging by the fact that it’s accessing vanilla MC classes, I’m guessing its a mod? If so, check to make sure your forge, MC and sponge versions all match.

I have latest forge with latest sponge. I’ll try checking config. But help menu was working before installing sponge weird

A good first step would be to force SpongeForge to load before other mods - try prefixing the spongeforge-blahblah.jar file to _spongeforge-blahblah.jar and relaunch the server. See if that has any effect.

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Looking at the log, I’d have to guess that it’s attempting to access client only classes from the server side.

their bug tracker:


Thank you ryantheleach, just waiting for him to drop update :smiley:

lol man i cant get a break. New error

Im getting this error as well.

ya, seems no one else is getting things near it. At least not seeing in search for it.

Do you have a list of sponge plugins / forge mods? Want to see if we have any matches.

oh god, i have tons of mods.

Lol I know that feeling.


Oh damn, I think the new one is potentially my fault :frowning:

lmao, I dont think so, i see other with close with same issue this one is just sponge errors not even a mod i dont think.

From the testing I did it seemed to work if it was just sponge in the folder. Once I started adding mods in it started throwing the error. Didn’t matter what mod it was.

And It seems to only error when logged into a server. For me at least

no one, know how to fix this?

Someone must. This is very annoying.

Note: Newest versions of sponge don’t change anything

Pull spongeforge out of your pack and start it up again. Let me know if /help still errors for you as well.

that fixxed yours?

no. it was just a test. I have found after hours of testing the mod “RoguelikeDungeouns” seems to be the one behind this error. Try removing it from your pack.

seems to be an Error is between Rogue like dungeons and sponge forge.