How about custom AI control?

Currently there’s not much custom AI controls in SpongeAPI. Will there be some sort of hook to make those entities like human and zombies or other entities to move in the way I want, attack the special target, or do other things? I want to see whether there will be some hooks that allow plugin makers to create new AIs.

There’s already a github issue for this. It’s a long term feature that we eventually plan on having, just not a priority at the moment.

@liach If you need it now, use Keys.AI_ENABLED to disable the game’s AI and use a scheduled task to add custom AI code. However, it’s fairly complex, as you’ll need to remember which entities have your custom AI.

I suggest that we can have a wrapper for custom AIs. Moreover, we might include some utility functions, for instance, to make a entity find a path to somewhere. (Also integration with pathfinder)

Well the pr has been out. Thanks though.