In Sponge 7.0 I can set ItemStack to ConfigurationNode by this code.
ItemStack item;
ConfigurationNode node;
node.setValue(TypeToken.of(ItemStack.class), item);
but In sponge 8.0 I use this code.
node.set(ItemStack.class, item);
It throws error on console
org.spongepowered.configurate.serialize.SerializationException: [item, 1, itemStack] of type net.minecraft.item.ItemStack: No serializer available for type class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
How can I get & set ItemStack to ConfigurationNode in sponge 8.0 ?
Please help me.
Nooooo you should never set a actual itemstack. In api 7 you were supposed to do it by
.set(item.createSnapshot(), TypeTokens.ITEM_STACK_SNAPSHOT)
and I believe the same goes for api 8, only typeTokens isnt a thing in api 8, so it would be TypeToken.of
or ItemStackSnapshot.class
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Thank you so much. but I’ve tried to use ItemStackSnapshot. It still not working.
It show this error.
org.spongepowered.configurate.serialize.SerializationException: [item, 0, itemStack] of type org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStackSnapshot: No serializer available for type interface org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStackSnapshot
node.set(ItemStackSnapshot.class, item.createSnapshot());
node.set( item.createSnapshot());
I’ve solved it already! Thank for you care!