Saw something like this on a thread today:
Inventory inv = Inventory.builder().build(KitPvP.instance);
Notice in particular the .build(KitPvP.instance) bit.
As shown in the javadocs, this is what has to be the parameter for .build: “plugin
- The plugin building this inventory” (it is Object plugin).
So I tried doing a similar thing, but it didn’t work. For example, with the class where I have @Plugin etc., I can create an instance of it but it won’t recognise anything I do as a plugin… but the plugin does work in every other respect, so surely I will have some way of getting this plugin object?
Thanks in advance.
Sponge.pluginManager().plugin("regionguard").ifPresent(container -> {
RegionGuard regionGuard = (RegionGuard) container.instance();
But personally, I prefer to use events in my plugins to pass the necessary classes to other plugins.
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Oh right. Forgot I was using an old version of Sponge (7.4.0).
For me it was:
Object myPlugin = Sponge.getPluginManager().getPlugin("myPlugin").get().getInstance().get();
…but that is just syntax stuff, your answer is spot on - thanks!
The least resource intensive way is to get it on boot of your plugin. Take a look at the sponge docs on create your plugin.
@Inject public MyPluginMainClass(PluginContainer, Logger logger){
Thanks. How would I then refer to this when I need to get the plugin object?
I will read the documentation heh
Something like this
private final PluginContainer container;
private static MyMain plugin;
public MyMain(PluginContainer container, Logger logger){
plugin = this;
this.container = container;
public PluginContainer getContainer(){
return this.container;
public static MyMain getPlugin(){
return plugin;
From there in any class you could do
PluginContainer container = MyMain.getPlugin().getContainer();
Also here is the docs locked to api 7
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