How to register classes

So I’m used to the forge system where you use an bus in order to register all the classes that you need but with sponge I couldn’t really find anything. What I’m trying to register now is a class that will modify the world’s terrain but I can’t really figure out how to do this with sponge. This is the class I’d like to register:

public class ModifyTerrain implements WorldGeneratorModifier
public String getId() {
return “overflown:beginner”;

public String getName() {
	return "beginner world generation";

public void modifyWorldGenerator(WorldProperties world, DataContainer settings, WorldGenerator worldGenerator) {
	BiomeGenerationSettings desertSettings = worldGenerator.getBiomeSettings(BiomeTypes.DESERT);
	for(Cactus populator : desertSettings.getPopulators(Cactus.class))
	Pumpkin pumpkinPopulator = Pumpkin.builder().perChunk(12).build();


Listen to the GameRegistryEvent.Register<WorldGeneratorModifier> event and call GameRegistryEvent.Register#register(T) on this event with the object you wish to register.

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ok so I have this:

public void gameRegister(GameRegistryEvent.Register<WorldGeneratorModifier event)
event.register(new ModifyTerrain());

but I was wondering whether or not it would require me to create a new world in order to use this terrain generation, and if so, how would I be able to do this?