How to teleport a player to exact coords?

Hi, I’m new here.

I’m having a hard time trying to figure out how to simply teleport a player to a specific coord?

Location<World> spawn = ??? //I tried using "Location" but it needs an extent (idk what the hell that is.)
Player player = (Player)src;
player.sendMessage(Text.of("Teleporting to Spawn..."));

An Extent is a 3D volume that can hold blocks, entities etc.
Most commonly, the extent is a World object.

So to create a Location object, you can do the following:

Location<World> someLocation = new Location<>(someWorld, somePosition);

You are correct in using player.setLocation, all we need to do is get the world the player is in so we can create a new Location object.

World playerWorld = player.getWorld();
Location<World> newLocation = new Location<>(playerWorld, spawnPosition);

Where spawnPosition is either a Vector3i or Vector3d.
Then you can set the player to that location


You can do all that in one line like so:

player.setLocation(new Location<>(player.getWorld(), spawnPosition));
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Thank you so much for your reply. So an “extent” represents anything that exists in the world (entities and blocks)? I was under the impression that “extent” meant “extends” in java terms.

I will try this, thank you for your post.

Basically, an extent is a container for entities, blocks, and tile entities (eg chests).

While the most obvious definition is a World, so are Chunks, and also potentially a region plugin could make their regions Extents. Thus you could have region-relative Locations. It’s a very flexible system, and allows you to do things relative to any area of the World.


Thank you for clarifying that. I have a better understanding now.