Husk vs. Sponge

Something interesting about that 503 error page: This so called “OpenPlay” company hosts their logo on, known for hosting all enterprise website logos of course!


Hmm, i don’t even take Husk serious anymore…

I think this thread has turned into a repository of stuff saying why Husk isn’t real.


It has<fgjhfgjdfjfjfjfjfjfjjfjf

For everyone that is fighting over which API is “The Best” please stop. Even though I am a developer of Granite I still don’t go around saying “Ours is better than yours”. Competition is healthy and that’s what makes things better. Personally Sponge is onto something good, but lacks ‘fall back plan’ if forge doesn’t get updated quickly. But overall I can see what the community wants and that is a working API for 1.8 and future builds. A question I keep thinking is “Do people want a API that is compatible with snapshots?” as Granite could be the answer for you in that case.

But over all please just stop the fighting and try and get on with each other. Sponge and Granite are here to stay and will keep in close contact.

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What do you mean it lacks ‘fall back plan’?

Forge isn’t going to be the only implementation, just the first one due to most of the hard work already being done.