I cant spawn entities!

i trying to do jutsus with the naruto mod but it doesnt spawn anything how can i change the setting for sponge i dont use any plugin.

Whats your mc, forge and sponge version?

its spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.4.6 and i discovered its crashes sometimes when i try to jutsu forge is 1.12.2 - mc is 1.12.2

i cant spawn anything at all https://youtu.be/nDBx07_NeUs

Due to it being 1.12.2 and my mind being a sive i cant really help you.

I know in api 8+ there is a option for entity handling conflicts which should be used as a last resort as it will likely break plugins. But you could try that

so sponge 8 should i use in 1.12.2 forge ?

Sponge 8 is for 1.16.5.

The reason i mentioned that before was that the option maybe there in 7.4. i generally cant remember

where can i find the options? is there any gui in the game

No gui for config options.

Its a config option so it would be in


Then either general.conf or sponge.conf

there is lots of entity options and i dont understand them what should i do

You are looking for a option of


You want to disable it by setting this value to false

so i tried both true and false but it didnt work im going to try crashing my game and give you a crash report

> type or paste code here

That tells me a mod is doing something async it shouldnt be doing. Not much you can do in terms of correcting that.

You could try adding the mod id to


Can i also confirm when you changed the value from true to false you turned off the server first, then modified and saved the file and then booted the server back up?

im not using server rn

Wait are you using sponge on the client then?

ye im using at client is

Sponge 1.12.2 isnt needed on the client. Only server

im trying it on singleplayer world

While 1.12.2 sponge CAN run on the client, it was not designed for it and ALL plugins are designed for server on 1.12.2.

Most mods will only apply sponge patches if detected on the server too