I need some help with this Server

So I trying to make a Pixelmon Server and I think I have the stuff i need But If I can Get some Pointers on some things. Like Plugins. Whats Plugins should I be getting for the Server and what Grief Projection i should use and Permission plugins.
More things like: World Limit
the crates things tht ive seen in some of those servers
Prefix name tags ?
and other things
Thanks in advance

This comes down to personal choice. There are a few permission plugins, a few grief prevention plugins, etc. You can find most of the public plugins at ore

The most popular of your categories are (the most popular does not mean the best - that advice works for anything including phones)

Grief prevention - grief prevention blood / GriefPrevention

Permissions - luckPerms Luck / LuckPerms

I would also recommend Nucleus as its an all round essential plugin

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Okay these look really good.Thanks

LuckPerms and Nucleus are both great. For grief prevention I personally like RedProtect, which has a nice GUI for flags and some extra features that other plugins may not have.