Implementation and Development Staff - 17 December, 2014

Hello again everyone! Time for another announcement.

###Implementation News
It has been a few weeks since Sponge’s API v1.0 was released and in that time, a lot of work has been done to implement said API. If you haven’t been paying attention, there have been ~23 commits to the Sponge implementation and ~31 commits to the API since the start of the month. To put that into scale, here is a graph of the additions and deletions for Sponge. Notice the huge uptick in work in the last week or two:

Much of this work can be attributed to @blood and several others helping him get his work done by fixing issues in the API. Aside from entities and initial support for player chat, everything is still a work in progress. You can send players messages now. But we have a LOT of work to do!
###We need developers!
From the start, we have tried several different approaches to bring new people into our ranks. Most of them have been huge failures. It’s hard to gauge how much interest a developer will have for a project in the long term for something like what Sponge was in the beginning. It was so full of hype and everyone wanted a piece of it. Some people didn’t stick around. However, the largest problem was that there were hundreds of people who wanted to be apart of the project and never got a chance.

Why is that? We told people to fill out an application and they would be selected from a list and later interviewed for a position if one was available. This turned out to be a monumental task. It took a lot of time to first go through the large number of applicants and then try to pick out the best people. After that was done, we contacted those people to see who was still interested. Those people were then put in a separate list that could be drawn from by the development team and many weren’t properly contacted.

Let’s try a new approach. If you want to work on Sponge, just work on it. Start submitting PR’s for things that need to be done. If your work is really good, and if you submit enough to show that you are dedicated, you may be pulled into the core team. Let your work act as your application that proves your skill. This way, we won’t leave a giant list of people waiting and if you aren’t skilled enough to work on Sponge, you will know right away when your PR’s aren’t accepted.
We have been trying to get the Sponge docs off the ground for some time now. It’s actually available for consumption as we speak, though the specific address hasn’t been revealed. We wanted to make sure everything was taken care of first, making docs accurate and ensuring that we had all of the pages we wanted in place. We could use more help doing some of this work. Just like above, if you want to help with docs, start making PR’s on the docs github repo. If your information is valid and accurate, it will get accepted.

Please give us plenty of feedback and let us know what you, the community, want us to do. This will help us grow and prosper together. Thanks!

So, this wasn’t included in the initial announcement, but internally we are working on getting lists of things that need to be done so people aren’t just working blindly. @gratimax thought this would be a good way to work up a list, setting up specific Github issues labeled “Help Wanted” and you can search for those specifically to know what you can work on. Here is the current help wanted list.


Awesome. GO SPONGE!

P.S. First.

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Actually @DarkArcana was first (see “This topic is now pinned” (trollface) )

On topic: Thanks for the update @DarkArcana :slight_smile:


I’ll second this, and also reassure any contributors-to-be that your text doesn’t have to be word-perfect rst. Editorial staff can clean stuff up and add links and whatnot as needed. If you’re a developer, and you can explain the Sponge API, then SpongeDocs needs Your Help. Take a look at the pages on Git, and maybe the latest Grand Scheme (issue #12), and go from there.

PS. My hands are tied on this, or I’d leak the “specific address”. I can’t see it doing any harm, even if it’s imperfect. It looks better than the Git pages, anyway…


Excellent. I’m excited to use and help in any way I can and see fit.

Awesome, we are getting closer to an implantation. Can’t wait. (I can)

Keep up the great work! Once there’s a donate button, I might have to give you guys a few :wink:

I’m a developer and I’d love to help out. The only thing that is holding me back is that there is no gauge of what you need in order to be anyway useful. There isn’t even a list that says “Experience with x, y and z would be good”. Not just in a general “Have you done programming work on minecraft before”. More like: “Knowing generics is really, really important stuff for an api and you need to know how to use it properly if you want to apply”. That kind of information, from my point of view, a developer who has never really worked with bukkit before, was not and has not been available.

Outside of that it’s great to see the good work being upheld. Nice job guys :wink:


Funny how I already knew this :stuck_out_tongue:. But its a motivation to start trying to help again.

If I want to help develop, what knowledge do I need besides Java programming? I’m interested in helping, but I don’t know if I know everything I need to to actually be helpful instead of a liablity.

Both of you, just make PRs. We’re willing to accept them so long as they add useful things and are greater than, say, 20 lines long(if it’s anything smaller, talk about it in IRC). We’ll make sure to try to prod you in the right direction, but any major work you do in a PR saves us work. :slight_smile:

Well, if that’s how you guys want to do it, sure. Seems like a far better idea than the aforementioned queueing of applicants.

Upon the arrival of the finalized Sponge implementation (at least the first release), I am going to be the happiest camper there ever was :stuck_out_tongue:.

I’m with that; I’ll donate happily. It’s about all I can do, as a non developer. If I can help out by doing great graphics for plugins etc, just call on me, I’ll do it for free. :smile:

Do I win a cookie?


I got the impression that wasn’t the final version… Actually, I found that when the wiki sub-domain was changed to redirect there, which was a few days ago.

We hope you like what you see, and that it all works properly.
SpongeDocs are in an incomplete state, and some worried that this would reflect badly on the project.
It’s not the final version, but will there ever be one? Here’s a quote from our current plan:

As Sponge is still in a state of flux, a shortfall of dev docs is to be expected. Until release of Sponge mod, there are sure to be voids in many subjects. Nevertheless, SpongeDocs is a living document, always subject to edit. So it’s never going to be perfect, just beaten into shape as needs demand.

It’s a community project, and the community can really help here. We need people to read (and proofread), double check, spot bugs and errors, and make useful Pull Requests for the Docs and the projects. If you see a gap you think you can fill, step up and make your ideas known, one and all.

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I understand the condition in which sponge is: constant evolution. I thought that the graphical interface wasn’t the final version. It doesn’t matter anyway, it looks simple and efficient. About your last paragraph, I’ll be reading the docs and, despite not being an English native speaker, I’ll also be careful not to overlook any error or bug and report it (if) when I find it.

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:


How can we submit our opinions? I’ve never understood very well how GitHub works :blush:
Can we commit changes or should we just contact you via PM or IRC?

The preferred method for submitting changes for all the Sponge projects is by Pull Request on GitHub. You can also comment on issues, PRs and commits on Git. However, if that is difficult for you, I’ll also accept suggestions via Forum PM or IRC (as long as I don’t get swamped in them). I hope that helps.

BTW, the Graphical Interface is the Sphinx theme on Read-the-Docs. Feedback on the theme is also welcome.