Latest Update
I have been dropped into University, so I don’t really have time to update this plugin, however jon100456 has created a small updat to the plugin that updates the code from early 5.0.0 API to 5.1.0 API.
This is a small plugin that makes all players see you as a mob. This plugin does not use NMS at all. All the code behind the plugin is based on Sponge API.
How does it work?
Short answer:
makes you look like a mob to everyone but you, other mobs think you are that mob.
Long answer:
This plugin creates a Mob that everyone can see then turns you invincible to everyone. From there this plugin then tracks your moves and simulates thous moves onto the Mob. Not only that, the server treats you as the Mob, so other mobs should not harm you.
What is the status on this plugin, is it able to be tested? If it is working, maybe you would consider adding an API or creating a class people could insert into their plugins for easy use?
The status of this plugin is still in-dev. I’m waiting for living.moveEvent to get implemented.
I’ll upload version 2 when I next get onto my computer so you can mess around with the current API. Please note that the API will change before full release (not much will be changed but enough)
“That support sponge” Well crap. There goes using this for Pixelmon right now xD I’ve got a server I’ll be trying this out on soon though it sounds awesome
Currently, This plugin is no where near complete. permissions are not in place or anything like that, but i will add a command for players to clear all player disguises later in its development