Inbuilt anti-spam (Including commands)

I just thought it would be a good idea for server admins to be able to set how often they want people to be able to send new msgs to chat in ms and to stop the same msg being repeated(spammed) in chat.
Also for the ability for server admins to be able to limit how often each command (on a command by command basis) can be used to a member to stop town/faction/nation renaming spam and lottery joining spam ect.


Good idea! However, we shouldn’t add too many cool inbuilt features, should we? :slight_smile:

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That would be nice but I do kinda think that there are so many plugins that do this.

Good idea, a chat plugin with these option is required. Also we need to acces chat event from spigot :smiley:

IMO this is a job for a plugin, not Sponge. Out of the box, Sponge shouldn’t be too different from vanilla, with any new functionality added by plugins.


I kinda agree with you as this would not effect vanilla it would just be a way of controlling plugins so vanilla servers would not need it.

I personally disagree with all these posts “Sponge should be very close to vanilla and shouldn’t add extra features”, Bukkit itself handled spamming to an extent, however it wasn’t very effective. I feel a feature like this is something that could be handled by Sponge, whilst adding an option to disable it.


Just because bukkit did it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

IMO. Sponge is supposed to be just an API, not a server mod that has all kinds of extra features.


Functions like these belong in plugins, not in sponge. However, it might be an idea to have a default bundle on the sponge site that includes the sponge mod plus various default plugins that provide functions like this. This will allow flexibility for server owners because they can remove or replace the plugin + on the development side it keeps the responsibilities separated, which generally leads to better and easier code.

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I also think this should be a plugin. On a fresh Sponge server, you should be allowed to spam how much you want without getting kicked or banned - I banned myself several times on my own server for spamming (thank you GriefPrevention) :wink:
Everything that changes the behaviour of Vanilla Minecraft should be in a plugin, that’s not what an API like Sponge is for…

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Such a feature would ethically be put in a plugin such as new essentials plugin for Sponge. I can see where you’re coming from though and I totally agree with what you’re saying.

Remembering back to using hMod, things like the inbuilt permissions system was incredibly handy as a server owner (Note though that there wasn’t an alternative at the time anyways) and I agree it’s more sensible to have your things less spread out. On the flip side, with as advanced as Minecraft is now adding features like this is a lot more work on the core Sponge developers in the long run. That’s another handful of things that not only need to be made, but maintained through updates as well.

IMO having an in-built permission system is a good thing, because every plugin will need them. But other stuff like spam protection would be server specific(and maybe even language specific) which would make it best solved by a plugin.

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