getting this error while trying to launch my all the mods 3 server im fairly certain i know what is causing the error but i dont know where to find a list of what mods are incompatible with spongforge
what mods are incompatible or if im wrong about this being the cause what is causing this error?
ive removed AE2 becasue its the only mod anyone with an issue like this has mentioned but this did not fix my problem
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [mixin]: Instancing error handler class org.spongepowered.mod.mixin.handler.MixinErrorHandler
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: //
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: /* /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Oh dear. Something went wrong and the server had to shut down! /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / A critical error was encountered while blending Sponge with Forge! /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Possible causes are: /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / * An incompatible Forge “core mod” is present. Try removing other mods to /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / see if the problem goes away. /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / * You are using the wrong version of Minecraft Forge. You must use the /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / correct version of Forge when running Sponge, this version is for /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / (you are running /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / * An error exists in Sponge itself. Ensure you are running the latest version /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / of Sponge. /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / * Gremlins are invading your computer. Did you feed a Mogwai after midnight? /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Technical details: /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Failed on class : net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos$MutableBlockPos /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / During phase : DEFAULT /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Mixin : util.math.BlockPos$MutableBlockPosMixin_Optional /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Config : mixins.common.core.json /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Error Type : org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Caused by : Unknown /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / Message : Shadow field field_177997_b was not located in the target class net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos$MutableBlockPos. Using refmap mixins.common.refmap.json /
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: / */
[13:12:16] [main/INFO] [Sponge]: //
WARN: All The Mods 3 Server was stopped (possibly crashed)…
At 20190901:131050 Server has stopped.