You could try giving <div class="about"> the same height as <div class="feature"> by expanding the paragraphs box a bit to the bottom. This might look better.
So I came upon this post by accident and thought I might check out your site. I was very impressed.
As Gravity fox said:
Later I got bored and thought I might toy around with the design in Muse and I opened it in Webstorm after so i could try and reformat the best I could given the excess output from Muse. Here’s what I came up with:
The ‘Runnable Server Jar’ and the ‘Plugin Support’ items are collapsable accordion tabs (vertical tabs)
It’s not perfect but I think you might like the sample design. If you like it, heres all the files I have relating to it they’re on my One Drive here.
Just wanted to say that I’m really touched by the fact that you’ve made something based on what I’ve done, I think it’s really cool. I think I’ll stick with my design for now just because I’m more used to it and I’d prefer to use my own work, but once again I really appreciate what you’ve done.
By all means use your design, I admire your desire to use your own work instead of someone else’s.
I just was playing with your concept and thought I might show you
Besides, from one Web Developer to another: You’re awesome @olivervscreeper
Not everyone can come up with something like yours, most people would rather derive it off others and claim it as their own
This is fantastic, the content for the site is really well-done. I could feel my heart jump when I saw the page adapt to a single-column layout for mobile devices. I’m seriously considering stealing something this for the actual Sponge site, if you don’t mind.
The design reminds me a lot of the ratings that Metacritic gives:
Here’s a few minor comments or ideas:
White ‘API’ and ‘IMPL’ text on red background don’t provide much contrast and are a bit hard to read. I tried out dark grey (#333) here one on of them:
The aesthetic value might have diminished, but I think it’s much easier to read.
Add a favicon! I think mini spongie ( ) like with the forums is perfect, I can provide you the asset if you wish.
I really like the colored box idea, but I don’t think it’s very intuitive as is. The primary state of the box (the color) describes something different from the written text. I think something like this would also be easier to digest:
You could pair this with a legend up top that describes the meaning of letters to make everything more clear (D = Done, IP = In Progress, etc.):
Anyways, still a great site. I’m sure there’s always things to improve, regardless of how amazing it is