Item attributes

Hello everybody!
Does anyone know a plugin to improve items?
Like a Vampirism, Critical Chance, +% potion effect time etc

this might be what you are looking for:

Thank you, @hellbringer616 for the communication.
I would like to precise that we are working on critical hit and potion effect.
A new release will be available soon.

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Any word on the update for potion effects? I want to make a night vision helm :slight_smile:

Hi @hellbringer616,
I’m glad of your interest, whereas Itemizer have taken a major turning point. It now allow plugin developers to implements object data there self in the configuration files. That mean Itemizer only have the authority to manage NBT.

Interpretation of these data to make effects is the bother of new a plugin based on Itemizer. I’m planing on this plugin (I don’t have a name Yet :worried: ).

Anyway I don’t forget you and I work for your splinter cell vision.:slightly_smiling_face: